What We Do

Working to Save and Preserve Morningstar Tabernacle No. 88 Moses Cemetery and Hall in Cabin John, Maryland

Our History and Mission

Friends of Moses Hall was organized in 2020 with the purpose of saving the Morningstar Tabernacle No. 88 Moses Cemetery and Hall from destruction by Maryland’s I-495 expansion plans. A coalition of dedicated neighbors, descendants, and others experienced in archaeology, genealogy, historic preservation, research, and advocacy helped organize and lead the efforts of Friends of Moses Hall.

Friends of Moses Hall, Inc. was incorporated as a nonprofit in 2023 with a mission to provide for the long-term preservation of this important African American historical site and hallowed final resting place. Our work will continue to focus on site maintenance and restoration, engagement with the descendant community, historical research, and raising public awareness about the important role African American benevolent societies played during a period of racial segregation.

The Morningstar Tabernacle No. 88 Moses Cemetery and Hall site is a National Register-eligible site (MIHP M:35-212) that is important to descendants and others who consider it a sacred place and one whose role matters in an accurate history of the area.

There are several characteristics and features of the Morningstar Moses Cemetery and Hall site that present a unique opportunity to help educate others about:

  • African American history and heritage.

  • The critical role that African American benevolent societies played in sustaining black communities during a period of legal and social segregation in Maryland.

  • Racial injustice inherent in highway projects and how this impacted — and continues to impact — communities of color.

“The idea of having to remove burials is devastating to me and my family,” said Baxter. “We’re talking about human lives and a community and things that happened long before we were born. . . . Even though I don’t know where he is in that cemetery, he’s in there, somewhere.”

— Descendant Diane Baxter for The Washington Post, 10/17/20

Awards and Recognition

  • Wayne Goldstein Award, for Preservation Advocacy on behalf of Morningstar Tabernacle No. 88 Cemetery by Montgomery Preservation, Inc. for 2021.

  • Named one of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places in 2021 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

  • Janet Montgomery Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Excellence in Historic Preservation Award, and the Women in American History Award for Sarah Gibson in 2023.